Jessica Short

by Jessica Short - 31/1/2020

Having spent over 25 years working with customers on their data warehouses, there are few mistakes that I haven’t seen made during their construction. The reality in fact, is that many organisations underestimate the complexities of building a data warehouse – or at least, building the RIGHT data warehouse for their business needs.

Here are six crucial aspects to building a data warehouse that will help you avoid the many pitfalls along the way of its construction.

by Jessica Short - 20/6/2024

You may think that an Excel Workbook already provides a table of data to you, and in a sense it does, an area consisting of Rows and Columns, with column and row headings and values.

It is, however, possible to create formal Tables from ranges of cells on an Excel worksheet.

Why would we want to do this?

Well, here are a few reasons:

by Jessica Short - 27/3/2024

Can Virtual Training be as good as Face-to-Face Training? 

Human interaction is critical for learning, but this interaction doesn't necessarily need to take place in person.