Working with Membership Data

Full Member View with Business Intelligence

We work with a number of membership organisations to assist them with achieving data driven decision making by pulling together data from many disparate applications and data sources to create a reliable and trustworthy, single "one-truth" resource that can provide answers to key membership performance questions. Key data that can help to drive decision making is spread across multiple and disjointed applications and services such as: Subscriptions, Publications, Networking Events, Awards, Training, Professional Development Schemes, Forums, Membership Portals, Social Media Feeds.

Wouldn't it be nice for you to be able to see a 360 degree view of a member on one dashboard?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a 360 degree of your whole membership business on a single dashboard?


Membership organisations face unique challenges when it comes to tracking membership statistics and engagement levels to determine the best course for future business strategy. We have encountered most of those challenges and found a way to build an integrated and powerful business model, from which engaging, interactive dashboards can then be developed.

Take a read of this article to find out how you can achieve a full member view with Business Intelligence: Data Analytics For Membership Organisations. Or us at or on 0118 979 4000 for more in formation about how PTR can help.


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