SQL Server - Display Indexes With Their Columns & Included Columns

Display SQL Server Index Details – Type, Key Columns, Included Columns

Have you ever wanted a query that would give you a list of all the indexes that exist in your database along with details of the index type and all the columns that are a part of the index key and all included columns?

Well have a look at this query. It might help:

--Display all indexes along with key columns, included columns and index type

DECLARE @TempTable AS TABLE (SchemaName VARCHAR(100), 
							 ObjectID INT, 
							 TableName VARCHAR(100), 
							 IndexID INT, 
							 IndexName VARCHAR(100), 
							 ColumnID INT, 
							 column_index_id INT, 
							 ColumnNames  VARCHAR(500), 
							 IncludeColumns  VARCHAR(500), 
							 NumberOfColumns INT, 
							 IndexType  VARCHAR(20),
							 LastColRecord INT);

WITH CTE_Indexes (SchemaName, ObjectID, TableName, IndexID, IndexName, ColumnID, column_index_id, ColumnNames, IncludeColumns, NumberOfColumns, IndexType)
SELECT s.name, t.object_id, t.name, i.index_id, i.name, c.column_id, ic.index_column_id,
		CASE ic.is_included_column WHEN 0 THEN CAST(c.name AS VARCHAR(5000)) ELSE '' END, 
		CASE ic.is_included_column WHEN 1 THEN CAST(c.name AS VARCHAR(5000)) ELSE '' END, 1, i.type_desc
	FROM  sys.schemas AS s
		JOIN sys.tables AS t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
			JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON i.object_id = t.object_id
				JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON ic.index_id = i.index_id AND ic.object_id = i.object_id
					JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.column_id = ic.column_id AND c.object_id = ic.object_id
						AND ic.index_column_id = 1
SELECT s.name, t.object_id, t.name, i.index_id, i.name, c.column_id, ic.index_column_id,
		CASE ic.is_included_column WHEN 0 THEN CAST(cte.ColumnNames + ', ' + c.name AS VARCHAR(5000))  ELSE cte.ColumnNames END, 
			WHEN ic.is_included_column = 1 AND cte.IncludeColumns != '' THEN CAST(cte.IncludeColumns + ', ' + c.name AS VARCHAR(5000))
			WHEN ic.is_included_column =1 AND cte.IncludeColumns = '' THEN CAST(c.name AS VARCHAR(5000)) 
			ELSE '' 
		cte.NumberOfColumns + 1, i.type_desc
	FROM  sys.schemas AS s
		JOIN sys.tables AS t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
			JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON i.object_id = t.object_id
				JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON ic.index_id = i.index_id AND ic.object_id = i.object_id
					JOIN sys.columns AS c ON c.column_id = ic.column_id AND c.object_id = ic.object_id 
					JOIN CTE_Indexes cte ON cte.Column_index_ID + 1 = ic.index_column_id  
					--JOIN CTE_Indexes cte ON cte.ColumnID + 1 = ic.index_column_id  
							AND cte.IndexID = i.index_id AND cte.ObjectID = ic.object_id

INSERT INTO  @TempTable 
SELECT *, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY ObjectID, IndexID ORDER BY NumberOfColumns DESC) AS LastRecord FROM CTE_Indexes AS cte;

SELECT SchemaName, TableName, IndexName, ColumnNames, IncludeColumns, IndexType FROM @TempTable
WHERE LastColRecord = 1
ORDER BY objectid, TableName, indexid, IndexName


The following screen shot shows some sample output when this query is run against the AdventureWorks2014 sample database:

We can see that there is an index called [IX_ProductReview_ProductID_Name] on the table called [Production].[ProductReview]. The query output shows that this is a non clustered composite index based on the ProductID and ReviewerName columns and with an included column called Comments.

Here is the CREATE INDEX script generated from this index:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ProductReview_ProductID_Name] ON [Production].[ProductReview]
	[ProductID] ASC,
	[ReviewerName] ASC
INCLUDE ( 	[Comments]) 


If you would like to learn more about SQL Server indexing why not take a look at our SQL Server Performance & Tuning training course. It covers plenty of interesting things about indexing:

  • Indexing: OLTP, OLAP, Hybrid 
  • Index Optimisation
  • Indexing: UNIQUE Index, DUPLICATE Index, NONCLUSTERED Index, CLUSTERED Index, Covering Index, Composite Index, INCLUDE Index, Filtered Indexes
  • Creating Indexes
  • Index Structure: B-Tree Index, Non-clustered B-Tree, Clustered B-Tree
  • Non-Clustered Index on a Table Containing Clustered Index
  • The sys.indexes View
  • When To Index
  • The Query Optimizer
  • Index Tuning
  • A Few Tips: Don’t Over Index, Composite Indexes, Large Data Types, Be Selective, Optimize, Clustered Indexes, Targets For Index Tuning
  • Growing Indexes
  • The Database Engine Tuning Advisor: Using A Workload File,  Using A Selected Query In Query Analyzer, Saving An Index Tuning Wizard Script, Accepting Recommendations
  • Monitoring Index Usage
  • Table Hints
  • Indexed Views
  • Displaying Information About Indexes: Viewing Index Records, Viewing Pages
  • Index Depth & Density: DBCC SHOWCONTIG, sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats Function
  • Defragmenting/Rebuilding An Index
  • Online Index Building
  • Index Usage
  • Dynamic Management Views & Functions for Indexes: sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats, sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats


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