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Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Technology Services

Azure's Tools for Scalable Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics brings all the tools you need to build a robust, scalable, enterprise-grade analytics practice, all under one roof within the Microsoft Azure cloud.

Azure's Tools for Scalable Analytics
Motion graphic.

What is Azure Synapse Analytics?

Microsoft describe Azure Synapse as "a limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics", but what does that mean? It essentially means that Synapse is a container for a whole suite of tools that have been brought together from across the Microsoft Azure data stack, starting with what was once called Azure SQL Data Warehouse, then bringing in technologies like Polybase and Apache Spark for unstructured data and big data analytics, Azure Data Explorer for log and time series analytics, and Data Factory for orchestration of complex ELT\ETL processes.

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It means you have a one-stop-shop to build out an enterprise analytics platform that can consume data of all shapes and sizes, and serve a whole range of user personas and skill sets, all within a single collaborative workspace. Some of the key benefits include:

What are the key components of Synapse?

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How much does it cost?

It's complicated! Each of the different workloads in Synapse has their own distinct consumption requirements and associated billing model, which makes predicting overall spend quite challenging and can be something which goes up and down over time depending on usage patterns.

You can explore the modular pricing of various Synapse components on Microsoft's website but we have included the simplest version of that here, which is using Pre-Purchase plans, whereby you commit to a total volume of consumption, measured in Synapse Commit Units (SCUs), which represent a shared pool of resource to be used by all workloads. This gives you a single bill for your whole Synapse workspace, and also has the benefit of a 28% saving, but you must carefully plan your anticipated workload to ensure you are provisioning enough resource for your solution.


Synapse Commit Units (SCUs)

Discount %


























How can PTR help you?

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data & AI in Azure, we specialise in helping our customers navigate the complex array of Microsoft Azure resources, including Azure Synapse, to design robust data and analytics platforms.

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