by Mandy Doward - 30/9/2016

One More Language to Learn!

So, we have had SQL, TSQL, MDX, DMX, DAX to keep us busy in the SQL Server world for years now so I guess it was about time another language came along to join them!

SQL Server 2016 enters the world of Big Data with its PolyBase and R Services.


The SQL Server R Service

The R Service enables integration of R scripts into TSQl scripts. 

by Mandy Doward - 21/9/2016


In this article I  take you through the following:

  • CROSS APPLY with User Defined Table Valued Functions

When Should We Use The CROSS APPLY Statement

The CROSS APPLY statement behaves in a similar fashion to a correlated subquery, but allows us to use ORDER BY statements within the subquery. This is very useful where we wish to extract the top record from a sub query to use in an outer sub query.

by - 5/5/2019

This is the first of a series of blogs containing useful pieces of code.

Adding A New Worksheet into A Workbook

The following piece of code allows you to add a new Worksheet into your Workbook.

Sub NewWorksheet()

by Mandy Doward - 21/9/2016

Counting Members in an MDX Query

MDX is a challenging query language. It is completely different to the SQL query language despite having a SELECT statement!

MDX queries are all about hierarchies, measures and members and when it comes to carrying out tasks that are simple in SQL it may not be so simple in MDX.

Most of the time when we work with MDX queries we are interested in bringing out aggregate values that are stored in our cube, but occasionally we may want to derive values from the stored cube data.

by Mandy Doward - 15/9/2016

What Are ASP .NET Web Forms & ASP .NET MVC?

ASP .NET Web Forms and ASP .NET MVC are both Frameworks using APIs that hook into the ASP .NET Core functionality for web development.


Why MVC Rather Than Web Forms?

Each of these frameworks has its merits, but MVC was introduced to overcome some of the shortfalls of Web Forms.

by Mandy Doward - 8/9/2016

Creating UNIX & Linux Piped Commands

UNIX and Linux offer a very powerful feature know as pipes. It is often possible to carry out really complicated tasks without the need for shell scripting, variables, loops, etc.

Take the following example, which creates a dictionary file from a text document, but excludes one and two letter words:

tr -cs "[a-z][A-Z]" "[\012*]" < readme.txt | sort -uf | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" | egrep -v "(^.$|^..$)" > dictionary

One command line that is comprised of five separate steps:

by Mandy Doward - 8/9/2016

RHEL/CentOS 7 Has A New Initialisation Daemon

The init daemon is the initialisation daemon first implemented in System V UNIX systems and has been around for over 40 years!

RedHat’s RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 introduces a replacement for init called systemd.

Startup & Run Levels

RHEL 6 (and CentOS 6) supported SysV init and Upstart with start and kill scripts created as links to scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d scripts in the appropriate run level directory e.g. /etc/rc2.d.

by Mandy Doward - 2/9/2016

Make Rows the Columns and Make Columns the Rows In an Excel Worksheet

Have you ever found that you have a worksheet with a table of data on it, but you would really like the rows and columns to be switched round? In other words you would like to transpose the columns and rows.

by Mandy Doward - 20/8/2018

Stripping Out Duplicate Data From an Excel Worksheet

We often find that after converging data from a number of sources we have duplicate records in our worksheets. In this article I show you how to strip out those duplicate rows using the Excel “Remove Duplicates” option.

De-duplicating A Single Excel Column

In the following example we have duplicate company names in the data on our worksheet.

by Mandy Doward - 30/8/2016

SQL Server Locking & Blocking

I’m sure all of you who work with SQL Server systems will have experienced the frustration of trying to retrieve a set of records only to find that someone is updating/deleting/inserting one or more records that are matched by your query, and locks prevent you from accessing part or all of your record set.
